PREP UPDATE 2021 Current and emerging strategies
14 April 2021 6.30pm — 9.31pm
Verde Restaurant
115 Riley StreetDarlinghurst 2010
Since its approval by TGA in 2016, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been part of an overall effective HIV preventive care strategy. PBS recommendations of clinical situations where prep can be used have evolved. Understanding of the benefits and risks associated with prep use have also expanded. A shift from daily to on-demand prep has also been observed as community awareness of the different ways of taking prep becomes available. This presentation will look at the current and emerging strategies in preventing HIV using prep. Future directions involving prep will be discussed.
This educational session will be held at Verde Restaurant meaning green in Italian possibly synonymous with the delectable fresh produce you will enjoy while listen to our Presenter, Dr Sally Woodward who currently works at Kirketon Road Centre in Darlinghurst.
Please confirm your attendance and any dietary requirements
by Friday 9th April by sending an email to: pashnet.org.au@gmail.com
Timeline of event
6.30pm to 7.00 pm - registration & refreshments
7.00pm to 8:00pm - PREP UPDATE 2021 Current and emerging strategies and Q&A.
- [If you are unable to attend in person, a zoom attendance is also available - Please register below for zoom-access to this educational event]
- Zoom register link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMucumurDsrEteKwYJjttoKD0k0tLP-qUuq
- You will receive a confirmation email after you register for zoom attendance.
Hope to see you all there!
The PASHNET executive
Dr. Victoria Hounsfield I General enquiries
Dr. Jacqueline Engelander I Training enquiries
Dr. Rebecca Wiig I Event enquiries
Dr. Hans Ramlochun I Social Media Person
Venue details for Verde Restaurant can be found at https://verderestaurant.com.au/
Meeting proudly sponsored by Gilead