Responding to sexual violence and domestic violence in primary care
13 March 2019 6.30pm — 9pm
Verde Restaurant
115 Riley StreetDarlinghurst
About the Event
Sexual assault is very common, with one in five women and one in twenty men having experienced an assault in their adult lives. Many victims do not report sexual assault; therefore the effects, both physical and psychological, may go untreated. Particular groups are at greater risk of sexual assault, including young people, those with a disability, and those who have previously experienced abuse. This event consist of talks from two leading health professionals in the field - Dr Eleanor Freedman and Ms Tara Hunter. The focus will be on how to identify sexual assault and domestic violence, how to respond to disclosure, how to manage affected individuals in general practice, and appropriate referral pathways. This will be held at Verde Restaurant, Surry Hills - dinner and drinks will be provided.
Guest speakers
Dr Eleanor Freedman
Dr Freedman is a Sexual Health Physician with a career long interest in Women’s Health. She has worked extensively in Sexual Health, HIV, Contraception and Sexual Assault both in Australia and in the UK. She is currently the Medical Director of the Northern Sydney Sexual Assault Service and is a consultant to the NSW Education Centre against Violence and to Family Planning NSW.
Ms Tara Hunter
Tara Hunter is the Manager of Northern Sydney Sexual Assault Service. She comes from a Social Work background and has worked in hospital and community based HIV and Sexual Health Services. She has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of sexual assault care and counselling.